How To Hack Facebook Account By Phishing

Zshadow is a website, where you can easily create fake phishing pages of social media sites like facebook, insta, twitter, etc. And then share a short link of that fake page to your victim. When they open the click and enter their information. In addition to hacking Facebook account, Neatspy also gives you the chance to track a phone’s location, hack its other social media accounts, and perform a lot of other monitoring functions. The two features to Hack Facebook Account or Password: There are two different methods by which you can perform a Facebook ID hack. Here is the step-by-step way to hack a Facebook account. Making Fake Login Page (Simple Phishing Attack) This is the old, best and most convenient way to hack your Facebook account and not only your mobile but also for desktop. It’s known as phishing in hacking. In this video I am going to give you all the real information about how Facebook can be hacked.!!! Comment section has been disabled due to uns.

  1. Hack Facebook Account Using Phishing
  2. Hacking A Facebook Account Easy
  3. How To Hack A Facebook Account 2020
  4. Facebook Hack Account Password
Facebook hack account password

Hello friends, in this post I’ll tell you that how can we hack the Facebook account using the phishing attack Method. The phishing attack is the method by which we create exactly the same page as the original(Facebook in my case) and send the link of the Fake webpage to the victim.

As the victim clicks on that link, then we receive the username and password of the victim in text format. So in this tutorial, I’m going to explain the step by step process to create a phishing attack for the Facebook.

Prerequisite for this tutorial

  • index.html Mobile Version code(download here)
  • hack.phpcode(download here)
  • index.html Desktop version code(download here)
  • Free hosting (see below)

How to get Free hosting

There are lots of free hosting service providers available, I have listed some of them on the basis of my experience.

In this tutorial, I’m using, so follow the step by step procedure to create a free hosting account.

Steps to create Fake Facebook phishing page

Step 1: Visit 000webhost and click on SignUp for FREE

Step 2: Now register using your Email id, set a password and select a Website name

Step 3: it’s very important to Verify the Email sent to your registered Email id(Verify email First)

Also read: How to crack any Windows Password

Step 4: After verification of your Email Address, click on File manager and then Click on Upload files Now as

How To Hack Facebook Account By PhishingHow To Hack Facebook Account By PhishingHow

Step 5: Now you will be redirected to the File Manager of your website

Step 6: Go to the public_html Folder, upload both the files index.html and hack.php Download free vmware vcenter converter boot cd 5marcus reid.

Also read: What is Aadhar Virtual ID (VID) and how can you generate one

Step 7: Click on upload in the Right corner of the File Manager to begin the uploading Process as

Step 7: Then select your both the files index.html and hack.php and click on the upload button as

Hack Facebook Account Using Phishing

Step 8: When the uploading process is completed, then login with Email id and password to 000webhost

Step 9: Navigate to Website list and copy your Website link address as

Hacking A Facebook Account Easy

Pro tip: when you are trying to send phishing link to the victim, then use any URL shortener to increase the success rate. As per my experience, use bitly to shrink your URL

How To Hack A Facebook Account 2020

Facebook hack account password

Facebook Hack Account Password
